Published On :
January 26, 2024
Reading Time: 6 min

The thing is, being invisible online will not get your business anywhere. No one can find you, see what you have to offer or patronise your services. Companies need SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) to be visible on the internet so that potential customers can find them. But many don’t understand the importance of SEO or know how it works. It involves researching relevant keywords, optimising titles and descriptions, using images and placing keywords in strategic locations within your website content. To stay competitive online, companies must implement amazing SEO processes that improve their web page's visibility on search engines like Google and Yelp so potential customers can easily find them and do business with them. 

As a digital agency offering SEO services, we want business owners to understand why SEO matters, what it involves and how they can maximise its potential for their business. This is why we are writing this blog post: to explain the importance of SEO in a way that everybody (even kids) can understand. 

Firstly, let’s start with understanding what SEO is all about. Basically put, it’s a set of techniques that help websites rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). By making use of different tactics such as selecting keyword-rich titles & meta tags or creating relevant content with targeted keywords sprinkled throughout – companies are able to raise their visibility on search engine results in pages resulting in more visitors finding their site in organic search results (non-paid searches). Companies use various SEO strategies to increase their website’s visibility in the top search results for particular keywords and key phrases related to their products or services. By making use of different tactics such as selecting keyword-rich titles & meta tags or creating relevant content with targeted keywords sprinkled throughout – companies are able to raise their visibility on search engine results in pages resulting in more visitors finding their site in organic search results (non-paid searches). This helps them attract new clients and acquire more business.

For example: if you own a startup selling made-in-UK sneakers online then you need to make sure those keywords appear often enough throughout the webpage so when someone searches ‘made-in-UK sneakers' they'll easily find your website on the first few SERP pages! That’s why doing research on popular keywords related to your industry is essential for getting more visibility as well as understanding how customers are searching for goods & services related to yours. That way, potential customers will be able to find your business easily when they are searching for services like yours. 

There are various aspects of an effective SEO strategy that need to be taken into account – including optimising keyword usage, content creation, link building, and the overall structure of your website. Firstly, keyword optimisation involves identifying well-used keywords related to your industry and using them in your website's content so that search engines identify it as relevant. You also need compelling content that explains the purpose of each page clearly and persuasively to keep visitors interested in reading more about your products or services. 

The various elements that will help you improve your SEO

On top of that – implementing proper internal linking practices within website content will also help crawlers navigate more easily between different pages & topics which results in better ranking opportunities overall (and it's especially true for larger websites)! Additionally, ensuring that the layout of your website is user-friendly with easy navigation also ensures better rankings on search engine result pages as it encourages visitors to stay longer on your site.  As a result, optimising both on-site elements (like page speed & mobile usability) plus off-site elements such as link building & building relationships with other influencers/websites can increase traffic from organic sources by leaps and bounds – leading to increased exposure & sales opportunities! 

To sum up, understanding why SEO matters and what it involves is essential for startups and small businesses looking to increase their website’s visibility online. By making sure all the components of an effective SEO strategy are implemented successfully - such as keyword optimisation, content creation, link building and user-friendly design - companies can grab potential customers’ attention more easily while gaining more exposure online which will lead them towards success! Not only does it make businesses easier to be found online but it’s also cost-effective compared to paid advertisement campaigns - meaning companies get longer-lasting returns on their investment in terms of digital marketing ROI! In short: optimal SEO practices are essential if businesses want sustained digital growth over time!

What is SEO and Why You SHOULD Care
Marin Bargan
Dezign41 Founder

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